Hope everyone is surviving in this heat wave! Drink water everyone!
There’s so much to do in Amsterdam next month, so we wanted to share some infos.
– – 2019 August – –
Vondelpark festival @ Vondelpark
Open air performances and theather; https://www.openluchttheater.nl/
Gay Parade ( Canal Pride ) @ Amsterdam Prinsengracht canal
The famous gay pride’s finale at the canal ; https://pride.amsterdam/events/
9th – 18th
Music festival; https://www.grachtenfestival.nl/
9th – 25th
De Parade @Martin Luther Kingpark
Theater, dance and music festival; https://deparade.nl/
13th – 18th
Opera in the canalhouse garden @ Museum Van Loon
Opera ‘The Old Maid and the Thief (Gian Carlo Menotti, 1939) ; https://www.museumvanloon.nl/
14th – 24th
Pluk de Nacht @ Stenen Hoofd
Open air film festival; https://www.plukdenacht.nl/
15th – 24th
World Cinema Amsterdam @Rialto
The best films from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean; https://worldcinemaamsterdam.nl/
Hartjesdag @ Zeedijk
Cross-dressing, dragon dance, food and drinks; https://www.iamsterdam.com/nl/uit/festivals/muziekfestivals/hartjesdag
20th – 28th
Summer Dance Forever
Dance festival; https://www.summerdanceforever.com/
23th – 25th
De Uitmarkt 2019 @ Museumplein & Leidscheplein
Cultural events; https://uitmarkt.nl/
23th – 26th
Amsterdamse Waterspelen @Marineterrein Amsterdam
Water games, events; https://amsterdamsewaterspelen.nl/
30th – 31th
Amsterdam International Art Fair 2019 @ Beurs van Berlage
Art fair; http://www.amsterdamartfair.com/
Enjoy your summer!