Thinning hair is a big concern for a lot of people in the world.



Hair Loss occurs due to hormonal reasons, stress, illness, overuse of hot tools or chemical treatments, and age.



What can we do to prevent or minimize losing hairs?


Here’s some tips from us;



  • Eat right

Well-balanced diet is always the key to everything. Make sure you take lots of vitamins and minerals to strength your hair and also revitalize your hair.

Add plenty of leafy greens, nuts, beans, fish, and lean meats to your diet now.


  • Exfoliate your scalp

Hair loss prevention starts from scalp care.  Exfoliating the scalp helps not only cleaning up dead skin cells and product debris, it may also removes excess Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is thought to cause male pattern hair loss.  It would also stimulate the growth of new follicles. You don’t want to do it too often but Do special scalp care once a month in order to refresh your scalp and keep it healthy.


  • Use natural products

Using toxic-free products is very important to keep your hair healthy and strong. Avoid using products with any harmful toxins such as parabens and/or sulfates.




We also use this energizing shampoo from Davines to stimulate scalp and strength fragile hair.

You can also purchase this item at our salon.


     Davines  – Natural tech – Energizing Shampoo 250ml/ 21.50



May everybody’s hair be fuller and stronger!!


